040: The Planters of the New Earth!
Hola Amigos,
Writing to you from New York City, and reflecting a bit on my journeys back and forth over the last 18 years from Costa Rica. New York will always be home, I love the diversity of people, food, familiar streets. Yet the loud sirens and crowds of people do feel weird on my system now, as I live most of my time, in a cabin in the mountains with my dog, and the biggest crowd I get is our family of ducks and moody geese going for a walk. Needless to say, when you have a reason for being somewhere, you make moves. Anchoring always in a strong Why ahead of a trip like this, Choosing wisely...
My Why? Start to see my family as much as possible and to see my community at Leap Forward as we mobilize massive energy, money, and brain power to ease the suffering happening in the Middle East conflict. Family, Community, and connection to a Purpose greater than myself (ease suffering - spread light). It's otherwise, very easy for me to be in the malaise of business and social gatherings with the coolest of people, and not in touch with what matters Now. Spiritual bypass is not a path either, indifference has allowed for the worst atrocities humanity has known. Hence many spiritual teachers, religious leaders, and indigenous elders are speaking up now. Action.
I know how easy it is to isolate in our comfort bubbles, and inner worlds - connection right now is of utmost importance. I always walked between both worlds, feeling a bit like Neo in the Matrix - Safe and yet in it. On one hand, seeing the systems of my old home, in decay - people divided, isolated, social media fog, education and social fabrics degrading - people are asleep at the wheel. On the other hand, I am seeing massive amounts of people saying, "Enough!". They're standing boldly for their Truth! They draw a line in the sand and say fuck this. I'm going to pause and re-assess my life and wake up to reality. How is my family life going? My Health? My Freedom? Many are deciding to research other alternatives...
That's enough for now. There's nothing to fix, just be real, see life as it is, and choose what you want... Red Pill or Blue Pill?
Here's What I Want to Share This Week:
1. Planters of the New Earth
The Rabbi at my sister's synagogue shared, that after the the Great Flood, in the stories of Noah and the many other traditions (virtually all of them), the early was re-planted. There were the planters of the new earth who planted the seeds that would re-grow humanity. We are those planters. So its our responsibility to spread love and compassion, and be that love. To love in greater harmony with nature, each other, our families and neighbors. To live in balance and in good health, and feel a sense of purpose beyond one's self.
What's my real motivation in my work? I fucking love people. I love them so much and so what you feel when we speak is more than humor and friendliness, it's someone who loves humans! And therefore, bridging them to a life less ordinary, to a life that's an alternative possibility, has been my role for some time. As I took a leap, I help others do the same thing, just leaving them a bit of a map, so they can avoid the potholes. We need each other for this chapter of humanity, we're not alone, we are indeed the one's we've been waiting for. Another world is possible and is being created, each day by those who stand for Truth in the face of injustice and stand for their own freedom as their perception widens each day.
2. Changing Seasons & Changing Lives
As the season's change on the East Coast of the US, the colors we see are out of this world. Getting into nature with friends, is something I always love doing, as I breath and walk and gaze with wonder and awe. This was a train ride from NYC, so no excuse. You don't need to get to Costa Rica to be blown away by nature. Make your paradise wherever you are, even if its for a few hours... And if you live in paradise, and everything feels amazing in life, well - go make someone else's life better... Much suffering and darkness out there to shed light on, and it feels amazing to know your life matters.
3. Designs that caught my eye this week!
I love design. So I love the days in the office with VOID CR, dreaming up the future, now! I also love that they hook up LTP clients like none other! Some designs from the tropics to NYC to follow :)
Catch past webinars and workshops on Zaydeltube.
This Week's Curiosities
First Curiosity: There are many paths to choose...
NYC is littered with incredible street art that tells a vibrant story of the rich tapestry of life in the Big Apple and those who inhabit it.
Second Curiosity: Best Pizza in NYC????
Okay, so you may as well ask me the meaning of life. But not to drive you crazy, best classic NYC slice - Joe's hands down. Consistent awesomeness in every bite. If you are thin crust, Rubirosa's got you covered, as best thin crust in Little Italy. The line is legit though.
Third Curiosity: Weekly love from a man's best friend.
Who We Are Celebrating This Week:Â My Sister Anna!
This week I'm celebrating my sister Anna Rachmansky for her overall amazingness as a sister and human, and for her years of dedication to the UJA , a non-profit organization known for incredible impact in crisis times around the world, and now helping so many in the Middle East, regardless of their color, religion or ethnicity - children, first responders, trauma counseling, supporting first responders and those on the front lines.
Overall, its the dedication to something greater than one's self that inspires me. To have purpose, to live from that place, thats a life worth living. So I'm celebrating my sis this week for modeling that.
Memorable Quote:
Much Love Amigos!